Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A platform for our future

Most citizens somewhat to the right or to the left of center respect the central role that religion plays in so many of our lives and in our society. We demand a just society, with safe cities and towns, and more opportunity for a well educated, well prepared workforce (at all levels). We understand the importance of American leadership in science, in technology and in business, including advanced design and manufacturing, and we know that innovation leads to more and better jobs. 
We are likely to believe in the vital importance of the Arts to assure a well rounded, vibrant and creative society. We understand the critical role played by America’s infrastructure, and understand how important it is to maintain and to improve our roads and bridges, water ways and water resources, and produce cleaner energy while meeting long term energy demand.
We understand the importance of a strong national defense to protect our vital interests and to defeat those enemies that seek to destroy America. We understand the important role that America plays in the world and seek over time to create sustained peace and greater prosperity for all people.

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